Table Of Contents
Quick start 31
Select the "Draw waveform" mode.
The mouse pointer turns into a pen which you can use to draw directly into the
waveform. If you click, the zoom level increases automatically and you can draw.
It's about trying to turn the flat form a bit more into a peak and moving it slightly
towards the bottom.
The critical section should then look like this at the end:
If you play back the material now, the cracks have disappeared.
After you have "cleaned up" the material you can export it either song by song as
MP3 or WAV files or all songs on the track as an audio CD.
To do this, switch to the "Export" interface. The only part of the workspace that will
change are the functions at the bottom.
If you haven't split each song on the track into a separate object, you will require track
markers to specify the beginning of every new piece. With the help of the track
marker assistant, you can control and change all track beginnings.
To save your project click on "File" > "Save project".