Table Of Contents
Import 49
Input and level automation
Every sound card has a least two inputs (microphone and line), as well as various
"internal" inputs for the CD drive or the signal from another program, for example,
Internet radio. With input and level automation you can automatically select the
correct input for your recording without having to search and adjust the input level in
order to avoid distortions.
To do so, click on "Audio input" in the record dialog. If you had already connected
your source and begun playback, the correct input will be determined immediately.
Otherwise do this now and click on "Search channel again".
If this didn't work, use the "Windows mixer" button to open the Windows Mixer and
select the channel manually.
Adjusting the recording level is essential when recording digitally via sound cards in
order to achieve optimum sound quality. If the adjustment is set too high, distortion
occurs and the incoming signal must be reduced. If you reduce input sensitivity, the
resolution at which the analog signal is digitized is also reduced. The level controllers
of your sound card should generally be set as high as possible in order to achieve
optimum results. Yardstick for an optimal level is the loudest part of the material. The
loudest part should be adjusted to the maximum. You can now adjust the recording
level with the help of the LED display in the record dialog.
You can adjust the level of the source manually using the "Volume" controller. If you
activated "Automatic level adjustment", the level controller will automatically be set
to the correct value.
Monitor while recording
Do you want to listen to your digitizer while you are recording? It may not work from
the start for the following reason:
Most sound cards, including the ones integrated in a PC ("onboard sound") offer help
for the Windows sound card mixer. You can change the different input and output
levels of the sound card or choose a digitizer.
You will also find a signal route within the mixer. This route passes an input signal
through to the output of the sound card. The corresponding volume controls within
the mixer are called line -In, microphone or stereo mix.
The functions, as well as the descriptions of the input and output controller within
the Windows mixer, may differ depending on the sound card and sound card driver.
Windows mixer is only a standardized "interface" for the sound card driver.