Table Of Contents
Dialog Load audio file
The "Import project" dialog appears after you have selected the option "Copy selected
tracks". Here you can specify name and target address of the audio files. The audio
files are subsequently numbered depending on their names (name -> name_1.wav,
Audio tracks (CDA files) are imported as WAV files by default. However, they can
already be converted into MP3s during import. To do this, select the corresponding
audio format in "file type" of the dialog "Import project" and then make the
corresponding "format settings" (for more info on the audio formats please also read
"Loading audio").
Copy-protected audio CDs
According to the copyright act it is forbidden to copy a CD with copy protection, but
the owner of a CD may create a backup copy. The problem with copy-protected CDs
is that they cannot be imported using conventional PC drives. In order to create a
backup of such a copy-protected CD you have to play it on an audio CD player and
record it as a regular analog recording via the sound card.
Drive list dialog
You can select and configure the disc drive if you have more than one drive.
Configuration: This button opens the configuration dialog (view page 55)where you
can make various special settings, S
CSI IDs, etc.
Reset: Restores the default settings of the drive.
Add drive: Creates a new drive letter in the list which still requires special settings.
Delete: Deletes the selected drive.
Save setup: Saves the current drive list and all configuration data in a *.cfg file.
Load setup: Loads the current drive list and all configuration data from a *.cfg file.