Table Of Contents
You can find further details about the object effects page in the „Cleaning effects“
(view page 67) chapter.
Draw volume curve
Use the Volume curve button to activate a volume curve.
You can use it to add volume curves to your audio material, for instance, for
compensating volume fluctuations or increasing the volume of quiet passages.
Volume changes are immediately visible in the waveform display so that it is very
easy to visually align the volume of different passages.
There are two ways to edit these volume curves:
A "handle" is created by clicking on the curve (in standard mode). You can then move
it with the mouse and create volume progressions. This method should preferably be
used if gradual volume changes over longer passages are needed.
Additionally, you can use the Volume curve mouse mode (view page 39). This
allows you to "draw" any volume curve using the mouse a
nd lets you create
irregular volume progressions quickly.
Tip: The Voice over effect (view page 108) creates volume curves for automatic
fading in/out based on the audio material in the second track.
Quick zoom
For many tasks it is quite useful to enlarge the wave shape display.
For quickly zooming it is sufficient to click in the timeline, keep the mouse button
pressed and move it up or down. This way you can quickly zoom the cursor in and out
at any position without releasing the mouse.