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Mastering 95
analog and digital signal processing. For example, pre-filtering in the detector circle
and the type of detection have a large influence on the audio results. Plenty of
hardware compressors have the same established VCAs (voltage controlled
amplifier), but they all sound different and influence a signal, an entire production (or
even a genre) with their "signature sound". We intend to provide you with acoustic
variation via these dynamic tools in the digital world.
The two operating modes of the AM-Track may be selected using the switch
This mode appears as a preset when AM-Track is started. It has less
parameters than the VCA mode and has audibly less of a "surgical" quality,
but more of a trimmed sound character.
"Vintage" mode simulates a circuit design from the time when VCAs were not yet or
could not be fully implemented. Instead, a FET (field effect transistor) was often used
as a controllable resistor. This, together with constant resistance at the circuit's gate,
builds a so-called voltage splitter, i.e. this forms a resistance change at the FET
(caused by a change in voltage at its gate), which results in a damping of the input
signal. A very simple detector circuit is used to activate the FET, which obtains its
signal from the output of the compressor (behind the whole control circuit).For older
designs, this feedback loop provides a stabilization of the work parameters and is one
of the decisive factors for the often-quoted soft and musical compression of
exponents of this design, e.g. the Urei 1176 or 1178. The control circuit sees the layout
of its previous work and oscillates to the signal.
The disadvantage: The set time parameters for attack and release depend slightly on
the program. In some cases, it's actually advantageous with vocals, bass, or even