Operation Manual

• Themainscableshouldalwaysbefreelyaccessible.
• Ifthedeviceisnotgoingtobeusedforaprolongedperiod(e.g.whenonholiday),itshouldbedisconnected
from the mains by removing the plug. The device should also be disconnected from the mains in the event
of a thunderstorm. Doing this will prevent damage caused by lightning and overvoltage.
• Do not use any cleaning agents or chemical solvents when cleaning, as these could damage the
surface of the device.
• Repairsmustalwaysbeconductedbyqualiedspecialists,asyoumightotherwisebeexposed
to dangerous high voltage levels or other hazards.
The SUB 300-THX subwoofer is a part of the Magnat Cinema Ultra loudspeaker family. Other models include
the LCR 100-THX front speaker, the RD 200-THX dipole surround speaker and the Dolby Atmos-compatible
AEH 400-ATM universal add-on speaker.
A 5.1 system comprising three LCR 100-THX front speakers, two RD 200-THX dipole surround sound speakers
and one SUB 300-THX subwoofer meets the requirements of the THX Ultra2 standard. The system can be
expanded without any difficulty (e.g. a second subwoofer for 5.2 or further surround sound speakers for 7.2).
In addition, all the models can also be used outside the Cinema Ultra range and with non-THX-licensed devices
as extremely powerful home cinema components.
The frequency range reproduced by the subwoofer cannot be pinpointed by the human ear. That‘s
why positioning generally doesn‘t present any problems. However, it is preferable for the unit to
be placed near the front speaker. You should also make sure that the distance from the sides and
from the rear to items and walls is at least 20 centimetres as otherwise bass reproduction may
be impaired.
Mains connection (7), mains-voltage switch (6)
The subwoofer is equipped with an integrated amplifier and needs to be connected to a mains
outlet by means of the supplied mains cable. The voltage selector has been set at the factory to
230 V for operation in Europe.
Warning: Connecting the subwoofer to a 230 V mains outlet while the voltage selector is set to 120V will
lead to immediate destruction of the amplifier!
Operating mode switch (2), operating state LED (3), power switch (7)