Owners Manual

The centre, front and rear loudspeakers are marked on the back. The satellite connected to the centre
output should be positioned on top of or beneath your TV set. The front satellites are placed to the left
and the right of the TV set, preferably at equal distance and at ear-height. The satellites connected
to the rear/surround outputs should be located to the left and right behind the listening position and
slightly above ear-height.
Placement of the subwoofer is generally not critical. It should, if possible, be located near the front
Connection of the system to an AV receiver is shown in figure 1 (receiver without a subwoofer output),
figure 2 (receiver with low-level subwoofer output).
Note: In the receiver set-up, the front, centre, and rear loudspeaker channels should be set to ‘small’.
Some receivers also provide the option of setting the cross-over frequency between the subwoofer and
satellites. If this is the case, please set this frequency to 150 Hz or the frequency that comes closest
to 150 Hz. Please consult the user manual supplied with your receiver.
Figure 3 shows the subwoofer’s controls:
Mains connection (1)
The subwoofer is equipped with an integrated amplier and needs to be connected to a mains outlet by
means of the supplied mains cable.
Operating mode switch (6), operating state LED (7), power switch (2)
Power switch ON Power switch OFF
Operating mode
switch ON
Subwoofer is in permanent operation, the LED is
Favourable setting for the reproduction of programmes
with long quiet passages (this prevents the subwoofer
from switching off unintentionally).
The subwoofer is
switched off, LED is
This is the setting
for when subwoofer
isn’t used over long
Operating mode
The automatic switching on/off is activated
(recommended setting).
The subwoofer switches on automatically when it
receives a signal from the receiver, the LED turns
It automatically switches to standby after receiving no
signals for some minutes, the LED turns red.
Line inputs (8)
For connecting to an AV receiver with low-level subwoofer output, see Fig. 2.