User Manual

The MMC 2 can be pushed past the stop position without causing harm to the speaker or motor system. The MMC
2 will usually automatically reset back to normal operation after cycling the motor once or twice or if the speaker is
pushed beyond the stop position, the panel can be manually pushed back into position.
A nylon screw is included with the MMC 2 to act as a stop so that the MMC 2 can be adjusted to be parallel with
the wall in the closed position. The screw hole is located at the bottom inside edge of the MMC 2. To ensure that the
nylon screw will not loosen, wrap Teflon plumber's tape on the threads or a drop of blue Loctite or score the threads
7. Bass Management and Processor Settings
The MMC 2 is a "small" speaker with limited midbass response. A high-pass filter is required for the operation of
the MMC 2s to roll off the bass frequencies to the MMC 2s. The Magneplanar XO 2 passive crossover can be used
with the MMC 2s or if a processor is being used, the processor can be set for "small" speaker.
The lower frequency response of the MMC 2 depends, to a large degree, on the room acoustics and where the MMC
2s are used in the room. For example, a front wall placement of the MMC 2s will result in less midbass and
therefore require a higher crossover point. A side wall placement of the MMC 2s in a shoe-boxed shaped room
(when placed about 4 feet or more from the front wall) will give the deepest midbass response. Crossover points
may vary from 100 Hz to as high as 160-200 Hz, depending on all the variables.
8. Tweeter Level Control
A rocker switch is located on the back of the speaker near the top (in the crossover region). Depressing the switch
to the right will give maximum high frequencies. Depressing the switch to the left will reduce the high frequencies
with a 1 ohm resistor.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4