User's Manual

Additional Software/Services. The SOFTWARE may permit Fiat Auto S.p.A., Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software Suppliers, their affil-
iates and/or their designated agent to provide or make available to you SOFTWARE updates, supplements, add-on components,
or Internet-based services components of the SOFTWARE after the date you obtain your initial copy of the SOFTWARE (“Sup-
plemental Components”).
– If Fiat Auto S.p.A. provides or makes available to you Supplemental Components and no other EULA terms are provided along
with the Supplemental Components, then the terms of this EULA shall apply.
– If Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software Suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent make available Supplemental Components,
and no other EULA terms are provided, then the terms of this EULA shall apply, except that the Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software
Suppliers or affiliate entity providing the Supplemental Component(s) shall be the licensor of the Supplemental Component(s).
– Fiat Auto S.p.A., Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software Suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent reserve the right to discon-
tinue any Internet-based services provided to you or made available to you through the use of the SOFTWARE.
Links to Third Party Sites. The SOFTWARE may provide you with the ability to link to third party sites through the use of
the SOFTWARE. The third party sites are not under the control of Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software Suppliers, their affiliates and/or
their designated agent. Neither Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software Suppliers nor their affiliates nor their designated agent are respon-
sible for (i) the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to third par-
ty sites, or (ii) webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any third party sites. If the SOFTWARE provides
links to third party sites, those links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply an
endorsement of the third party site by Fiat Auto S.p.A.’s Software Suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent.
– If the SOFTWARE is provided by Fiat Auto S.p.A. separate from the DEVICE on media such as a ROM chip, CD ROM disk(s) or
via web download or other means, and is labeled “For Upgrade Purposes Only” you may install one (1) copy of such SOFT-
WARE onto the DEVICE as a replacement copy for the existing SOFTWARE, and use it in accordance with this EULA, including
any additional EULA terms accompanying the upgrade SOFTWARE.