User's Manual

PACCAR Display
DRAFT 10/7/2010 12:03 PM Y53-6035 Page 7 of 30
The following items will be shown on
the ‘Quick Jump Status Bar’
<HOME MENU> soft button
MONITOR> soft button
soft button
Image 9 – Screen Bottom Detail
1 - The Home Menu
soft button is active on
all screens except for the Home Menu
screen. This graphic will be set to 70%
transparency and be rendered inactive
on the Home Menu screen. For all
other screen, the Home Menu icon will
be 100% opaque. Pressing the Home
Menu button returns the user to the
Home Menu.
2 - The ‘Vehicle Status
Monitor’ will display an
overall status message
for the vehicle systems the PACCAR
Display is monitoring.
A vibrantly colored green ‘OK’ icon is
displayed when all PACCAR Display
monitored vehicle systems are running
within specification. The Vehicle
Status Monitor button is rendered
inactive as no PACCAR Display
monitored vehicle systems require
monitoring by the operator.
Should a PACCAR Display monitored
vehicle system go out of specification,
the ‘OK’ graphic will change to a
vibrantly colored ‘!” warning icon.
The Vehicle Status Monitor soft button
will become active upon an PACCAR
Display detection of an out of
specification vehicle condition and is
kept active for as long as the out of
specification condition exists.
If only one ‘out of specification’ vehicle
condition exists, the PACCAR Display
will take the user directly to the specific
screen which will display the out of
specification information upon selection
of the Vehicle Status Monitor soft key.
Should more than one out of
specification condition exist when the
user selects the Vehicle Status Monitor
soft button, the PACCAR Display will
go to the ‘Faults Screen’ where all
PACCAR Display monitored out of
specification conditions will be listed.
The user will then select which fault he
or she wants to monitor further.
The Vehicle Status Monitor will be
detailed further in the ‘Fault Monitoring’
section of this document.
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