User's Manual

During normal operation, the operator will select the type of transaction from the PC application
controlling the DYNAPRO and the cardholder will enter data on the DYNAPRO’s keypad in
response to prompts on its LCD. Transactions may include new accounts, teller window
applications, checking, savings, mortgages, retail transactions, or any other option where there is
interaction between the cardholder and the operator.
Messages shown on the DYNAPRO are customized by the application
programmer; therefore, the sequence of prompts on the LCD and their contents
will vary depending on the requirements of the institution and may not correspond
to the example messages contained herein. Refer to appropriate personnel if
there are any questions about the prompts or any part of the operation.
The DYNAPRO will display “Welcome” on its LCD (see figure 4-1 for an example) to indicate
that it is ready to enter a new transaction.
Figure 4-1. Example of Welcome Screen (Ready for a New Transaction)
Typically, the cardholder is prompted to swipe his or her card through the DYNAPRO’s MSR to
initiate a transaction. If the card swipe failed to read the card data, the application may request
the user to reswipe the card or may ask the user to enter the card data manually. The application
may also need to prompt the user to identify the card type (e.g. Debit or Credit). If a PIN is
required (e.g. for a Banking or Debit card transaction), the application will prompt the cardholder
to enter his or her PIN. If your DYNAPRO has signature capture capability, the application will
prompt the user to enter his or her signature on the touch screen. For a more detailed discussion,
see the sections below on Card Reading, Manual Card Entry, PIN Entry, and Signature Capture.