
The Teleplexer is a telegraph style multiplexer.
You likely know what a telegraph is, but have you considered the musical value of the telegraph? As the
building blocks of synthesis are a by-product of communications technologies, why not look to telegraphy for
inspiration? The speed and agility telegraph operators displayed relaying life-altering messages across the
world was staggering toward some form of future musical genius.
In musical applications a multiplexer is type of signal router. It allows for any one of several signal inputs to
be routed to a single signal output. It is useful for switching quickly between multiple modulation or audio
sources in a patch.
The Teleplexer applies the fast, physically immediate techniques of telegraphy to playing the modular
synthesizer. The user patches any number of Source Cables and then touches them to the surface of the
Teleplexer to create patch connection. The user determines the destination(s) and polarity of signal by
touching the Source Cable to any one of the 14 metal plates.
The Teleplexer is designed to inspire you to explore modulation schemes, spontaneous timbral shifts and to
be physically involved with the modulation process. Although the primary purpose of the Teleplexer is to
allow for complex, momentary modulations, it may also be used for jumbling multiple audio signals together
at the whim of the user or creating polyrhythmic timing variations.
Do not use signals from outside the modular system where the TELEPLEXER is installed.
Your TELEPLEXER faceplate will become worn with use. This is OK and will not have any effect on the
functionality of the TELEPLEXER. Just keep the faceplate clean using a soft, dry cloth.
You’ve done some patchin’- now it is time to do some teleplexin’...