User manual

Microcontroller inputs
While most of the microcontroller‘s connectors are used as
outputs for connecting the LEDs and speaker, some serve as
inputs. Here, those are pins 5 and 6. Internally, a resistor is
connected with VCC (+4.5 V). When the microcontroller reads
the state of these inputs, a high voltage is normally detected,
i.e. a one-state is read. But if a connection to GND is made via
the wires or a switch, the controller detects a zero state. In this
case, the corresponding sound is switched on. Incidentally, in
some of the following games, there are two more inputs on
connectors 3 and 4 of the controller. And in addition, there are
two analogue inputs on pins 7 and 8, where not only “on” and
off” can be distinguished, but a measurement of the voltage
is also performed.
8 Hot Wire – Version 2
A resistance of 100k Ω (brown, black, yellow) is now used
instead of the smaller resistance of 47k Ω (yellow, violet, or-
ange). The result is that the microcontroller only works at half
speed. Everything else stays the same. The hot wire works the
same as before, but this time the generated sounds are one
octave lower.