User manual

know which order and at what time. If you do it right, the
LED stays off. If you do it wrong, the LED stays on, and the
bomb explodes.
But unlike in real life, you can remove the wire, press the
reset button, and try again. Who will discover the rule? How
exactly does this bomb have to be defused?
LED with built-in resistor
The green LED only needs a voltage of about 2 V, but the mi-
crocontroller works with 4.5 V. A normal LED should not be
connected directly to the controller. The general rule is: LEDs
may only be used with resistors. The special LEDs used in this
package already have a built-in resistor that is visible. The LED
has a shorter wire that is internally moulded into a small cup
in which the LED crystal is inserted. This connection is called
the cathode and is the negative connection. The longer wire
is the anode, i.e. the positive pole. In the LED plastic, you can
see a small block on the tip of this wire. This is the built-in
resistor, which by the way has a kiloohm (1k Ω). The casings of
these special LEDs are shorter than other LEDs. This protects
against confusion.