User Manual

1.8 Power Management
u-blox receivers support different power modes. These modes represent strategies of how to
control the acquisition and tracking engines in order to achieve either the best possible
performance or good performance with reduced power consumption.
1.9 Maximum Performance Mode
During a Cold start, a receiver in Maximum Performance Mode continuously deploys the
acquisition engine to search for all satellites. Once the receiver has a position fix (or if
pre-positioning information is available), the acquisition engine continues to be used to search
for all visible satellites that are not being tracked.
1.10 Eco Mode
During a Cold start, a receiver in Eco Mode works exactly as in Maximum Performance Mode.
Once a position can be calculated and a sufficient number of satellites are being tracked, the
acquisition engine is powered off resulting in significant power savings. The tracking engine
continuously tracks acquired satellites and acquires other available or emerging satellites.
1.11 Power Save Mode
Power Save Mode (PSM) allows a reduction in system power consumption by selectively
switching parts of the receiver on and off