• IATA (International Air Transport Association): Dangerous Goods Regulation
Packing Instruction 965 (Lithium ion or lithium polymer cells and batteries without electronic equipment) went into effect April 1,
2016: Lithium ion cells and batteries must be offered for transport at a state of charge not exceeding 30 per cent of their rated capacity.
UN 3480, PI 965, Section IA and IB and II will be restricted to carriage on cargo aircraft. All packages must bear the Cargo Aircraft
Only label in addition to the other marks and labels required by the Regulations.
US Hazardous Materials Regulations 49 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Sections 173-185 Lithium batteries and cells.
Section II requirements apply to lithium-ion cells with a Watt-hour rating not exceeding 20 Wh and lithium-ion batteries with a Watt-
hour rating not exceeding 100 Wh packed in quantities that within the allowance permitted in Section II, Table 965-11.
Lithium-ion cells and/or batteries
with a Watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh
or less
Lithium-ion cells with a Watt-
hour rating of more than 2.7Wh
but not more than 20Wh
Lithium-ion batteries with a
Watt-hour rating of more than
2.7Wh but not more than
Maximum number of cells /
batteries per package
No limit
8 cells
2 Batteries
Maximum net quantity per
2.5 kg
Lithium-ion cells and batteries meeting the requirements in this section are not subject to other additional requirements of these
Regulations except for:
Each cell and battery is of the type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III,
subsection 38.3;
• cells and batteries must be manufactured under a quality management program;
• for batteries, The Watt-hour rating must be marked on the outside of the battery case;
Each package must be capable of withstanding a 1.2m drop test in any orientation without:
- damage to cells or batteries contained therein;
- shifting of the contents so as to allow battery to battery (or cell to cell) contact;
- release of contents.
Each package must be marked with the lithium battery mark and the cargo aircraft only Label.
A shipper is not permitted to offer for transport more than one package prepared according to Section II in any single consignment.
Section IB requirements apply to lithium-ion cells with a Watt-hour rating not exceeding 20 Wh and lithium-ion batteries with a Watt-
hour rating not exceeding 100 Wh packed in quantities that exceed the allowance permitted in Section II, Table 965-II.
Quantities of lithium-ion cells or batteries that exceed the allowance permitted in Section II, Table 965-II must be assigned to Class 9
and are subject to all of the applicable provisions of Regulation.
Where classified as lithium batteries packed with equipment (UN3481), IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations packing instruction 966 is
Where classified as lithium batteries installed in equipment (UN3481), IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations packing instruction 967 is
IMDG Code: International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code 2018 Edition
ICAO TI: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
2019-2020 Edition
IATA DGR: International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations 60th Edition