Use and Care Manual

Under some conditions Always wear certified
Risk From Noise and duration of use, safety equipment: ANSI
noise from this product S12.6 (S3.19) hearing
may contribute to protection.
hearing loss.
Never operate the
· Always operate the
Risk of compressor in an atmo- compressor in a well-
Explosion or sphere where flammable ventilated area, free of
Fire vapors are present. Doing gasoline or solvent
so can result in serious vapors.
injury to you or others. · If spraying flammable
materials, locate
compressor at least 20
feet away from spray
· Store flammable
materials in a secure
location away from
· The compressed air from · Never inhale air from the
Risk to your compressor is not compressor, either
Breathing safe for breathing. The directly or from a
air stream may contain breathing device
carbon monoxide or connected to the com-
other vapors, or particles pressor. Work in an area
from the tank or other equipped with good
components. cross ventilation.
· Sprayed materials such · Read and follow the
as paint, paint solvents, safety instructions
paint remover, insect- provided on the label or
icides, weed killers, etc., safety data sheet for the
contain harmful vapors material you are
and poisons. spraying.
· Breathing compressor or · Use an approved
sprayed materials vapor respirator designed for
can result in serious use with your specific
injury. application.
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