User's Manual

Starting from the top-right:
The yellow circle with a cross-hair is indicating the GPS-status;
red means that there’s no GPS attached or no satellites
available, yellow means normal GPS accuracy (about 10m)
and green means that the unit has been able to apply
differential correction.
The scale with red, yellow and green indicates the battery
status. It is divided into two black bars, since there’s an option
of using a separate battery for the transducer. In other
respects, this scale is self-explanatory.
The Quit button is also self-explanatory, press on this and
you’ll have the option for turning off the unit. Note that the unit
should always be turned off this way, since just pulling the
power cable may harm the internal memory of the unit.
Pressing the “Start” button will immediately put the unit into
data collection mode and a radar image of the subsurface will
start to display as soon as the unit is moved.
The camera button enables the operator to save a jpeg image
of the current screen for later downloading to a USB device.
This is intended for documentation purposes.
The wrench button gives possibility to change some of the
settings controlling the data collection process and house-
keeping functionality in the unit, see separate section of this
The last 3 buttons controls filter to be applied on the data, prior
to display, they are, top to down, background removal, contrast
level and gain function. Pressing the push-turn button while
turning it increases or decreases the strength of these filters,
right-turn; increase and left-turn; decrease.