Product Info

4. Instruction of the ASCC control using switch
1) ON/OFF Main Switch
ON/OFF function
In case of the Standby mode, “CRUISE” Ramp turn ON
2) 『SET/– Switch
At the Stand by mode, Press SET Switch and then Control start.
» The target speed set 30 km/h when the car speed is from 0 to 30 km/h.
» When the car speed is over 30 km/h, the target speed is the same as current speed.
If the SET switch is pressed under control, the target speed will be decreased.
» Press short period, the speed decrease 1km/h step. ex) 81→80→79→78
» Press long period, the speed decrease at first 1km/h step then 10km/h step. ex) 77→76→70→60
3) 『RES/+』 Switch
At Standby mode, Press RES+ switch and then control start.
» After the OFF mode changed to Standby mode, the ASCC usage history have to be existed at least once.
If the RES+ switch is pressed under control, the target speed will be increased.
» Press short period, the speed increase 1km/h step. ex) 77→78→79→80→81
» Press long period, the speed increase at first 1km/h step then 10km/h step. ex) 66→67→70→80
4) 『CANCEL』 Switch
Released from the control condition
5) Distance setting switch
Set the target headway distance(Initial value is level.4)
Press the switch, the target headway distance value changed in the following o
In case of the car speed is 90km/h
» At level 1 (1sec.), Headway distance is 25m.
» At level 2 (1.3sec.), Headway distance is 32.5m
» At level 3 (1.6sec.), Headway distance is 40m
» At level 4 (2.1sec.), Headway distance is 52.5m
If press the switch over 2 sec, the ASCC mode is switched the CC mode each other.