User manual

erratic response), remove it with a pair of tweezers and insert one of the
included replacement tips.
For best results when double-tapping the pen (equivalent to double-clicking
a mouse), keep the tip on the tablet’s surface. Otherwise, lift the pen tip as
little as possible before the second tap.
This special function lets you scroll through a document — without using
the scroll bar — by simply holding the pen over the tablet, particularly
convenient when browsing Web pages, examining images larger than the
computer screen and panning a spreadsheet.
Pen scrolling works with most Microsoft applications (including Internet
Explorer, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access) and with many others,
though the function’s “behavior” varies somewhat from one application
to another. Some applications, for example, will allow scrolling in all
directions while others will only scroll up and down; some will scroll
smoothly while others tend to be “jumpy.