Use and Care Manual

protect surrounding surfaces as needed. Do not place the water
Splashing may occur when the fountain is rst turned on,
feature on or near any surface that can be damaged by water.
• Keep small children and pets away from the water feature; they
can fall into the water feature and drown.
moisture build-up and clean as necessary. This is especially
Once a week inspect water feature, oor and adjacent wall for
important for humid environments.
• Use water or glass cleaner to clean the surface of the solar panel.
maximum charge to the battery. We suggest you do this
Rechargeable battery packs become less ecient with repeated
charge/discharge cycles. If you nd that the battery appears less
ecient we rst suggest you try to boost charge it. To do this
leave the panel switched o for 2 to 3 sunny days to allow the
occasionally anyway to help prolong the battery life. If problems
persist please contact customer support for a replacement battery
(Replacement part BATTERY2300).
• To replace the battery remove from back of the solar panel by
unscrewing six screws, disconnect the wire connectors, then replace
with new battery (Replacement part BATTERY2300) and reconnect.
Dispose of battery according to local regulations.
• This water feature is designed for outdoor use only. It cannot be
used indoors.
More information about water features can be found at
• Distilled water is recommended to reduce mineral
deposits, bacteria build up and algae that may damage
the water feature basin and pump.