Installation Guide

7. The grout surface should be flush with the tile edge.
8. Some stiffening may occur before all material is used (usually within
about 1 hour at room temperature). If this occurs, simply remix but do
not add any liquid.
9. Provide for expansion and control joints as specified per TCNA Detail
EJ171 or TTMAC Specification Guide 09300 Detail 301EJ.
10. Allow the Keracolor U to firm up in the joints sufficiently to avoid
damaging the grout surface, usually in 15 to 30 minutes depending upon
the temperature, humidity and absorption rate of the tile or stone.
11. Use two buckets of cleaning water: one for rinsing the majority of the
grout residue from the grout sponge, and one for moistening the sponge
in clean water.
12. Dip the sponge in a bucket of water and wring out the excess, so that the
sponge does not drip water. Using very little pressure, pull the sponge
diagonally across the grout joints to remove the excess grout from the
tile surface. Also use the sponge to smooth the surface of the grout
joint. Turn the sponge over and make another pass in an adjacent area.
After using both sides, rinse the sponge in one bucket and wring out the
excess water. Dip the sponge in the second bucket of water, wringing out
the excess and continue the process.
13. Change the water in the buckets frequently to help limit the amount of
14. To prevent efflorescence, discoloration and soft/powdery joints, avoid
cleaning with excessive water.
15. Tocontrolcolorvariationsandminimizeeforescence,buffthegrouted
visible on the tile surface, usually one to two hours after grouting. This
should remove any remaining surface water or grout residue.
16. Clean hands and tools with clean, soapy water while grout is fresh.
17. Neveruseacidforcleaningmarble,glazedtileorpigmentedgrout
Technical Bulletins at or consult MAPEI’s Technical
Services Department.
1. Provide for dry, heated storage on site and deliver materials at least 24
hours before tilework begins.
2. For residential showers and tub surrounds, restrict use for 24 to 48
hours after grouting and for 14 days for steam showers.
3. Foratleast21daysaftercompletion,protectfromfreezinganddonot
immerse installation in water (see the TDS of the adhesive or setting
system for details).
4. Floors: Keep free from heavy traffic for at least 72 hours after grouting.
5. Walls: Protect from impact, vibration and hammering on adjacent and
opposite walls for 14 days after tile installation (see the TDS of the
adhesive or setting system for details).
6. Because temperature and humidity (during and after installation of
tile) affect the final curing time of all cement-based materials, allow for
extended periods of cure and protection when temperatures drop below
• Sealingthegroutisrecommendedbutnotmandatory.Whenchoosing
a sealer, follow the recommendations and instructions of the sealer
• Groutmustbefullycuredfor21daysbeforeregularcleaning.
• MAPEIgroutproductsareproducedtothehighestqualityofstandards.
To maintain a clean tile surface, use a neutral-pH cleaner for maintaining
the floor, followed by a clean-water rinse.
• Donotuseharshchemicalstomaintainthetilesurface.Before
proceeding with cleaning, consult the cleaner’s manufacturer for
compatibility, use and application instructions. Remove or rinse fatty
acid residue from the grout surface to avoid potential grout deterioration
caused by prolonged exposure.