User guide

Poll OIT Buffer Command
ESC p terminator
Response: contents terminator
contents: OIT’s Keyboard Output Buffer contents
Description: Allows the host controller to retrieve the contents of the Keyboard Output
Buffer when in Network mode.
Example: PRINT CHR(27); “p”; CHR(2)
Retransmit Last Keyboard Buffer Command
ESC r terminator
Response: contents terminator
contents: OIT’s Keyboard Output Buffer contents
Description: Allows the host controller to retrieve the previous contents of the
Keyboard Output Buffer when in Block or Network modes. If the buffer is empty,
only a line terminator is returned to the host controller.
Example: PRINT CHR(27); “r”; CHR(2)
Function Key Control Command
ESC K functionkey# enable 00 terminator
function key#: 0 = all function keys, 1 to 16 = corresponding function key
enable: 0 = no change, 1 = disable, 2 = enable
Response: none
Description: Allows the host controller to disable and then enable function keys.
Example: PRINT CHR(27); “K0100”; CHR(2)
Screen Function Key Control Command
ESC L SDFkey# enable 00 terminator
SDF key#: 0 = all screen dependent function keys
1 to 5 = corresponding screen dependent function key
enable: 0 = no change, 1 = disable, 2 = enable
Response: none
Description: Allows the host controller to disable and then enable screen dependent
function keys.
Example: PRINT CHR(27); “L1200”; CHR(2)
Print Screen Command
ESC O terminator
Response: none
Description: Prints the current contents of the display, including blank lines, to a
serial printer attached to the OIT’s second serial port (OIT3250, OIT4450, and
OIT5400 only).
Example: PRINT CHR(27); “O”; CHR(2)
A-6 STEP1 Protocol Operation Manual
1010-0096, Rev. 04