Operation Manual

Front panel Display Rear panel IndexRemote
2 Volume Limit
Make a setting for maximum volume.
60 (–20dB) / 70 (–10dB) / 80 (0dB) (Default : 70 (–10dB))
O : Do not set a maximum volume.
2 Power On Volume
Define the volume setting that is active when the power is turned on.
Last (Default) : Use the memorized setting from the last session.
Mute : Always mute when power is turned on.
1 – 98 (–79dB – 18dB) : The volume is adjusted to the set level.
2 Mute Level
Set the amount of attenuation when muting is on.
Full (Default) : The sound is muted entirely.
–40dB : The sound is attenuated by 40 dB down.
–20dB : The sound is attenuated by 20 dB down.
•This can be set when “Volume Level” (vpage177) is set to “Variable”.
Zone Rename
Change the display title of each zone to one you prefer.
Set Defaults : The input source name is returned to the default setting.
•Up to 10 characters can be input.
•For character input, see page138.
Trigger Out
Selects when to activate trigger out.
For details about how to connect the DC OUT jacks, see “DC OUT jack”
n When setting for zone (MAIN ZONE / ZONE2)
Trigger out is activated through linkage to the power of the zone set
to “On”.
n When setting for input source
Activate trigger out when the input source set to “On” is selected.
On : Activate trigger on this mode.
– – – : Do not activate trigger on this mode.