Owner`s manual

Troubleshooting & Maintenance Mark Levinson
To use the troubleshooting tables:
1. Find the table with the same Input Source as you are using.
2. Use the Symptoms and Output descriptions to identify the
format issue you are troubleshooting.
3. Use the Possible Solution descriptions to identify and solve the
format issue.
Note The Front Panel Display of the N
502 does not reflect display format
issues. Therefore, if the Main Zone display has a formatting issue and the
502 front panel display does not show the same issue, the problem
must lie with the setup of the Main Zone display.
Input Source Symptoms Output Possible Solutions
DVD Format Output on Display
Image fills the screen
Image is not stretched or squashed
No black bars
This is a correct image. All format settings are
correct as set.
The black bars (letterboxing) are part of the DVD
image. In most cases, the black bars are included
on these DVDs because the original movie was
filmed in a wider widescreen format than the 16:9
aspect ratio displays available for home theater
The first Output image is typical of a 16:9 aspect
ratio; the second Output image is typical of aspect
ratios greater than 16:9.
Image is not stretched or squashed
Image has small black bars on the
top & bottom (letterboxing)
Image is squashed vertically, so
that people appear short & fat
Image has too much letterboxing
on the top & bottom
This image is NOT formatted correctly.
The DVD player may be set to the wrong aspect
The Nº502 may be set to the wrong display format.
Image has black bars on the left &
right sides (pillarboxing)
Image is stretched horizontally, so
that people appear tall & thin
This image is NOT formatted correctly. On a
widescreen source, there should NEVER be black
bars on the left & right sides.
The display may be incorrectly set. If the display
settings are the issue, the front panel display of the
Nº502 should be showing a correct image.
It’s normal for widescreen aspect ratios that are less
than 16:9 to have some pillarboxing.
Image has black bars on the left &
right sides (pillarboxing)
Image is NOT distorted
This image is NOT formatted correctly. On a
widescreen movie, there should NEVER be black
bars on the right & left sides.
The display may be incorrectly set. If the display
settings are the issue, the front panel display of the
Nº502 should be showing a correct image.
The Nº502 may be set to the wrong aspect ratio.
It’s normal for widescreen aspect ratios that are less
than 16:9 to have some pillarboxing.