Owner`s manual

Basic Operation Mark Levinson
Menu System Overview
The Nº502 Media Console includes a comprehensive, graphical menu
system to aid in setup, configuration, and daily operation. The menu
system has two operating paradigms:
Activity Mode provides the day-to-day interaction with the Nº502
Media Console, and allows the user to make real-time changes to
specific audio parameters.
Setup Mode accesses the system setup parameters for system
functions and connectivity. Setup Mode can only be entered by
pressing the Setup button.
Note While in the menu structure: if the Menu button is pressed, the navigation
returns to the previous menu level. Pressing the Setup button closes the menu
While in Activity Mode, pressing the Video Profile, Audio Profile, or
Surround buttons allows the user to change the Profile or Surround Mode
associated with the current Activity. However, these changes are not saved
when a new Activity is selected. To make any Profile or Surround Mode
change permanent for the associated Activity, make the change while in
Setup Mode.
Menu Path
The menu system is designed to provide detailed information and yet
remain simple to use. The top of every menu page displays a menu path,
showing the current location in the menu system and the path taken to
get there.
Activity Menu
Pressing the Activity button displays the list of available Activities. The
current Activity is displayed in red text. When scrolling through the list,
the loaded video of each Activity is displayed in the Activity Preview
window on the right side of the menu.
To load a new Activity, select one from the list and press the Enter button.
Once loaded, the Activity remains active until a new Activity is selected.
Remote Zone
The Remote Zone provides audio to a secondary location outside of the
primary listening space. The Main Zone Activity list is duplicated in the
Remote Zone menu. The audio from any Activity can be selected for the
Remote Zone.
Note If the Remote Zone Activity is set to Off, no audio is sent to the Remote Zone
outputs. If the Zone LED is lit, Remote Zone controls remain active until the
Zone button is pressed to switch back to the Main Zone.