Owner`s manual

Nº502 Media Console Customizing the Nº502
Master Level
The Master Level parameter adjusts the output level of 2-channel sources.
This parameter is available in the Downmix mode.
The Panorama parameter, when set to On, extends the front stereo image
to include the surround channel signals, creating a “wraparound” effect
with side wall imaging. This parameter is available in Dolby PLIIx Music
and Dolby PLII Music modes.
The Re-Equalizer parameter simulates the high-frequency attenuation
that occurs in movie theaters.
When set to On, the Nº502 applies a high-frequency filter.
When set to Off, the Nº502 doesn’t apply the filter.
We recommend turning this parameter on for film sources as many films
are mixed for movie theaters and might sound too “bright” when played
back in your home theater without re-equalization. This parameter is
available in Logic 7 Film and Logic 7 TV modes.
Rear Delay Offset
The Rear Delay Offset parameter increases the perceived depth of the
listening space by delaying the arrival time of the rear speaker signals.
Increase the setting for a greater sense of depth in the listening space. This
parameter is available in all Logic 7 modes.
Sound Stage
The Sound Stage parameter dynamically controls the relative balance of
the audio output connectors.
When set to Front, the side and rear output levels are attenuated by
6dB, shifting the perceived balance of the sound field to the front of
the listening space.
When set to Neutral, the side and rear output levels are slightly atten-
uated by 3dB, shifting the perceived balance of the sound field to the
center of the listening space.
When set to Rear, the side and rear output levels are not attenuated,
perserving the intended balance of the sound field.
This parameter is available in all Logic 7 modes.
Surround Delay
The Surround Delay parameter increases the perceived depth of the
listening space by delaying the arrival time of signals from the side and
rear speakers. Increase this setting when a greater sense of depth is desired
in the listening space. This parameter is available in Dolby PLIIx Music
and Dolby PLII Music modes.