Owner`s manual

Troubleshooting & Maintenance Mark Levinson
To correct the problem, the system communication needs to be realigned,
which should clear the error. Some issues are easier to clear than others.
Typically power cycling the Nº502 will clear it, but some issues don’t need
a power cycle. We suggest you try the following:
1. Verify the HDMI cables have a good connection with the rear panel
2. Put the Nº502 into Standby mode. Wait 10 seconds. Then take the
Nº502 out of Standby mode.
3. Power cycle the Nº502 by turning off the power switch; wait at least
10 seconds, and then turn the power switch to the On position. Then
take the Nº502 out of Standby mode.
4. With the Nº502 turned off, power cycle all other devices that are
connected to the Nº502, such as DVD and CD players, projectors, and
monitors. When finished turning all other devices back on, restore
power to the Nº502 and take it out of Standby mode.
Link2 Not
1. Verify that the Nº502 and the amplifiers are daisy-chained properly.
Refer to the “Link2” section of the Appendix to verify proper setup.
2. Refer to the product documentation of each amplifier to verify
compatibility and the proper cabling.
3. Power down all of the devices, then power up the Nº502, followed by
each amplifier. Allow each device to go through its initialization
process before powering up the next device. The Standby LEDs should
now be blinking in unison.
Can’t Assign a
Slave in ML Net
You must assign the slave from the Master. Press the Setup button the
Nº502 and select User Options. Then select Control Options:ML Net:ML
Net Setup. Verify that the Slave you want to Assign is in the device list and
check its current state.
If the current state is assigned, then you must first unassign it from the
ML Net system. Once a Slave is assigned, it will not accept another
assignment until it has first been unassigned. Once the device is
unassigned, you can then reassign it to the desired ML Net system.
For explanations about other current states, refer to the “ML Net” section
of Chapter 3: Customizing the Nº502.
Download Not
If you are having difficulty with the Configuration Download, the issue
may be related to the Network Setup of either the Nº502, the Ethernet
connection, or the setup of the connected computer.
1. Verify that the proxy server in the computer’s network setup is
disabled. An active proxy server can interfere with the configuration
download procedure.