Installation guide

4.7.5 Event Server Setting >> Picasa Setting
The camera supports the Picasa upload service, so that you can
send the camera’s image to your Picasa account once you have a
Picasa account.
z Picasa Setting
- User Name: Enter your user name to login into the Picasa
- Password: Enter the password to login into the Picasa
- Privacy: Set the account as Public or Private.
- When Storage Full: Select Stop or Recycle – Delete
Oldest Folder when the storage space on the Picasa
account is full.
4.7.6 Event Server Setting >> YouTube Setting
The camera supports the YouTube upload service, so that you
can send the camera’s video to your YouTube account once you
have a YouTube account.
NOTE The USB Flash Disk must be mounted for YouTube upload.
z YouTube Setting
- User Name: Enter your user name to login into the
YouTube account.
- Password: Enter the password to login into the YouTube
- Developer Key: Enter the specify developer key if you
have registered the Developer Key for YouTube.
- Source: Enter the source code for YouTube.
- When Upload Fail: Select the retry times (1~10) or
interval time (in minute) to upload video again when
upload is failed.
- Title: Enter a title for the uploaded video.