User's Manual

Controls in detail
Opening and closing
Locking the vehicle
Press central locking button 1.
The vehicle locks if all the doors
are closed.
To unlock
Press central locking button 3.
The vehicle unlocks.
Locking the vehicle from the
You can lock vehicles with the boot
lid remote control feature* and
KEYLESS GO* centrally using a
switch in the boot lid.
1 Central locking switch
Press button 1.
The vehicle locks centrally.
The vehicle will not unlock if you
have previously locked it cen-
trally from the outside.
Risk of accident G
Never leave children unsupervised
in the vehicle. They could open a
door from the inside and thereby en-
danger themselves or others.
P 80.20-2346-31
online version (Edition C, 01/02)
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