User's Manual

Schloßstraße 16
D 78 604 Rietheim Weilheim
First Draft 23.10.2009 Version 1.02
Department APDA1-RI File
Editor U. Schwalm Doc.-No.
Date 25.02.2010 Page Page8 von 10
Vehicle Key BR166 technical Description
Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Ver
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Proprietary data, company confidential. All rights reserved.
Confié à titre de secret d'entreprise. Tous droits réservés.
Comunicado como segredo empresarial. Reservados todos os direitos.
Confidado como secreto industrial. Nos reservamos todos los derechos.
form 659.02
Settling time for the transmission frequency (PLL)
= 500µs
200µs with Δf = 600kHz with f
Modulation, baud rate:
Single channel operation: 10 kBaud Manchester keyless go
3-channel operation: 10 kBaud Manchester
Tolerances: 1.0 %
Modulation type, range:
2-FSK: +/-15kHz to +/-17kHz basic key
2-FSK: +/-15kHz to +/-21kHz keyless go key
Emitted interference
o Harmonics & spurious
315MHz: : -49dBm @ 960MHz (*
: -41dBm @ > 960MHz (**
(* This reflects the limit of 200µV/m as per FCC section 15, with isotopic propagation
(**This reflects the limit of 500µV/m as per FCC section 15, with isotopic propagation
: -36dBm @ 1 GHz
 -30dBm @ > 1GHz
all frequency bands:
 -54dBm @ UKW & TV bands (EN300220)
47 -74MHz
87.5 –118MHz
174 –240MHz
470 862MHz
Modulation quality:
Overshoot: Max. 100% of the nominal value
Max. duration of the overshoot:
6µs at 10 kBaud
Build / fall times: 0 % to 100% nominal value:
6µs at 10 kBaud
The shift times are determined with a measuring receiver, the reception bandwidth of which lies as close as
possible to the receiver in the application:
Remote Keyless Entry: BW
= 600kHz
Keyless go operation: BW
= 200kHz