Operating instructions

. TSL v4.0
Use the TSL v4.0 protocol setting when controlling the IMD from a TSL tally controller, or other controlling device
which utilizes the TSL v4.0 protocol. The IMD # must be set for each screen in conjunction with the controlling
Use the MEI protocol setting when controlling the V-R261-DLW using the Marshall Network Controller box. This
protocol allows remote control of all features on the V-R261-DLW, including marker setup, video configuration,
system configuration, and image adjustments (brightness, contrast, etc.). The IMD #, IMD Group #, and Baud
Rate parameters must be set in conjunction with the Network Controller Box.
MEI-Image Video
This protocol setting accepts Image Video commands via MEI protocol, for use when an Image Video controller is
connected to the Marshall Network Controller box.
Tally Source
The V-R261-DLW OSD tally can be controlled in a variety of different ways. Use the Tally Source setting to choose
how tally is controlled:
Use the Standard setting to control tally via contact closure on the HD-15 tally interface.
Image Video HW
Use the Image Video HW setting to control Image Video tally states via contact closure on the HD-15 tally
interface. Contact closure of the Red pin corresponds to Image Video Tally 1, and the Green pin maps to Image
Video Tally 2. Contact closure (ground) corresponds to a LOW state, and open circuit corresponds to a HIGH
state. This mode requires the IMD Tally Mode parameter to be set. Consult Image Video documentation for
further information.
Image Video 422
Use the Image Video 422 setting to control Image Video tally states via the Image Video serial protocol. OSD tally
will be disabled in this mode, as Image Video tally states are manifested in the text color and other
parameters. This mode requires the IMD Tally Mode parameter to be set. Consult Image Video documentation for
further information.
Standard + IV422
Use the Image Video 422 setting to control Image Video tally states via the Image Video serial protocol, while
controlling OSD tally using contact closure on the HD-15 tally interface. This mode requires the IMD Tally Mode
parameter to be set. Consult Image Video documentation for further information.
Use the TSL/MEI 422 setting to control OSD tally via the TSL or Marshall serial protocols.