User manual

DMX control 17
The color wheel can be scrolled continuously – allowing for split color effects – or in steps, and rotated
randomly or continuously in both directions at different speeds. In 16-bit Extended mode, the color setting
selected on channel 10 can be fine-tuned on channel 11.
Head pan and tilt are controlled on channels:
8 - 11 in 16-bit mode
14 - 17 in 16-bit Extended mode
The main pan and tilt control channels set the first 8 bits (the most significant byte or MSB), and the fine
channels set the second 8 bits (the least significant byte or LSB) of the 16-bit control byte. In other words,
the fine channels fine-tune the positions set by the main channels.
Speed control
Speed of pan, tilt and effects is controlled on channels:
12 and 13 in 16-bit mode
18 and 19 in 16-bit Extended mode
Tracking control for pan/tilt and the various effects is enabled by setting the speed channels to 0.
With tracking control, the speed at which effects fade from one scene or position to the next (cross-fade
speed) is determined by the controller. The controller divides the move into steps and updates the fixture
with small changes at the rate required to achieve the fade. The fixture “tracks” the changes and averages
them with a digital filter algorithm to provide smooth movement.
Alternatively, with vector control, effects movement speed is determined by the values selected on the
speed channels. This makes it possible to modify the speed of cross-fades when using a controller that
does not offer cross-fade speed control. Vector control also provides smoother movement, particularly at
slow speeds, with controllers that send slow or irregular tracking updates.
When using vector control, the cross-fade time on the controller must be set to 0.
When “blackout while moving” is selected on the speed channels, the shutter closes when the effect moves
to make the transition invisible. The shutter opens when the movement is complete.
The following channels provide tracking values that allow you to override the pan/tilt speed personality
setting (
 in the control menu)
12 in 16-bit mode
18 in 16-bit Extended mode
The following channels provide tracking values that allow you to override the shortcuts setting
 in the control menu).
13 in 16-bit mode
19 in 16-bit Extended mode