User manual

30 MAC 250 Wash
Reset fixture
Lamp on
Lamp off
Open shutter
Close shutter
Fast strobe
Medium strobe
Slow strobe
Color wheel in open position
Color wheel positions 1 6
Clockwise rotation - fast
Counter-clockwise rotation - fast
Clockwise rotation - medium
Counter-clockwise rotation - medium
Clockwise rotation - slow
Counter-clockwise rotation - slow
Random CMY color - fast
Random CMY color - medium
Random CMY color - slow
Frost filter
Pan left right
Tilt up down
 
Run a general test of all effects
and hold
[Enter] for
3 secs. to
Enable pan/tilt position correction
Disable pan/tilt position correction
Enable color wheel position correction
Disable color wheel position correction
See “Adjustment submenu” on page 31
Pan offset (1-255)
Tilt offset (1-255)
Dimmer offset (1-255)
Color wheel offset (1-255)
Cyan offset (1-255)
Magenta offset (1-255)
Yellow offset (1-255)
 
Return all offsets to the default settings
 
PCB test – for service use only
Fans run at full speed
Fans run at thermostatically regulated speed
 
Manually set fixture to software update mode
Table 4: Control menu