User manual

Control menu 31
Adjustment submenu
This menu is accessed in . Factory default settings are shown in bold type.
Control panel shortcuts
To strike the lamp, press [Enter] and [Up].
To douse the lamp, press [Enter] and [Down].
To reset the fixture, press [Menu] and [Up].
Menu Item Options Notes (Default settings in bold print)
Reset fixture
Strike lamp
Douse lamp
Send effects to position for mechanical adjustment
Send dimmer to position for mechanical adjustment
Close dimmer
Open dimmer
Strobe slow
Strobe medium
Strobe fast
Position magnet at sensor on cyan effect
Minimum cyan position
Maximum cyan position
Position magnet at sensor on magenta effect
Minimum magenta position
Maximum magenta position
Position magnet at sensor on yellow effect
Minimum yellow position
Maximum yellow position
Position magnet at sensor on yellow effect
Color wheel indexed at open position
Color wheel indexed at full color positions
Clockwise rotation, slow
Clockwise rotation, medium
Clockwise rotation, fast
Send frost effect to position for mechanical adjustment
Close frost effect (full frost)
Open frost effect (zero frost)
Mechanical adjustments self test
Pan and tilt neutral
Pan neutral, tilt down
Pan neutral, tilt up
Pan left, tilt neutral
Pan right, tilt neutral
Pan left, tilt down
Pan right, tilt down
Table 5: Adjustment submenu