User manual

Control panel 15
The calibration menu () provides utilities to define offsets in software that are relative to the
mechanical reset or home positions. This allows you to fine tune optical alignment and achieve uniform
performance between fixtures. Dimmer and zoom are calibrated to defined points. The other effects are
calibrated relative to an arbitrary reference fixture.
All offsets can be set to
 (the middle of their adjustment range) with the default offset command: select
 then press [Enter].
To calibrate effects
1. Apply power but do not strike the lamp until zoom has been calibrated.
2. To calibrate zoom, first remove the bottom head cover. Select  and press [Enter].
Adjust the offset until the face of the zoom lens plate is flush with the back edge of the focus plate. Press
[Enter] to save the setting. Replace the bottom head cover.
3. Pan calibration is most useful when multiple fixtures are stacked vertically. To calibrate, set zoom and tilt
position for easy one-over-the-other comparison and set each fixture to the same pan DMX value.
Select one fixture to be the reference fixture. On the other fixtures, select
 and
press [Enter]. Adjust the offset as necessary to align the beam with the reference beam. Press [Enter] to
save the setting.
4. Tilt calibration is most useful when multiple fixtures are arranged horizontally. To calibrate, set zoom and
pan position for easy side-by-side comparison and set each fixture to the same tilt DMX value. Select
one fixture to be the reference fixture. On the other fixtures, select
 and press
[Enter]. Adjust the offset as necessary to align the beam with the reference beam. Press [Enter] to save
the setting.
5. To calibrate the dimmer, select
 and press [Enter]. Hold a piece of paper over the
lens. Set the offset to zero and then increase it until a clearly defined M shape with minimal light spill is
projected onto the paper. Press [Enter] to save the setting and remove the paper.
6. To calibrate color mixing flags (cyan, magenta, yellow and CTC), project white beams with no dimming
and position them for easy comparison. On each fixture, including the reference, select
 and press [Enter]. This adds a defined amount of cyan. Select one fixture to be
the reference. Adjust the offsets on the other fixtures to match the reference color. Press [Enter] to save
the setting. Repeat for
 (magenta),  (yellow) and  (CTC).
The cooling fans can be set to either full speed or thermostatically regulated operation via .
In lower ambient temperature environments, regulated operation is recommended if reduced noise levels
are desired. Service life of lamps, fans, etc. is maximized if fans are set to full speed.
The upload mode command () prepares the fixture for a software update. This command is
not normally necessary, as upload mode is engaged automatically by the uploader.