User manual

Adjustment submenu 29
Adjustment submenu
The Æ menu is for use by service technicians when performing adjustments.
Menu Item Item Options Notes
Reset fixture
Strike lamp
Douse lamp
Dimmer blades against stop
Close dimmer
Dimmer to open position
Strobe slow
Strobe medium
Strobe fast
Same as Æ
Cyan flag on switch (retracted position)
Minimum cyan position
Maximum cyan position
Magenta flag on switch (retracted position)
Minimum magenta position
Maximum magenta position
Yellow flag on switch (retracted position)
Minimum yellow position
Maximum yellow position
CTC flag on switch (retracted position)
Minimum CTC position
Maximum CTC position
Test dimmer and CMYC effects
 
Zoom in/out, slow/medium/fast
 
Beamshaper positions and rotation: out, indexed 0%,/50%/100%,
counterclockwise fast/slow, clockwise slow/fast
Test beamshaper and zoom
Move pan and tilt to neutral positions
Pan neutral, tilt down
Pan neutral, tilt up
Pan left, tilt neutral
Pan right, tilt neutral
Pan left, tilt down
Pan right, tilt up
Table 3: Adjustment submenu