Owner's Manual

24 Connections and Control Settings
Multi-Channel/LFE Mode
This setup is recommended if your subwoofer will be used in
a dedicated home theater or multi-channel system. When a
signal is connected to the subwoofer’s LFE input, and the Low
Pass Filter is set to 'Bypass' the internal low pass filter is not
active. By following this setup, you will allow your processor
to handle most of the bass management.
If you will be using your system for both 2-channel and
multi-channel listening we recommend using this setup
and connection method. Some modern receivers and
processors allow users to route left and right channel
low-frequency information, in addition to discrete LFE infor-
mation, through the LFE output.
Signal Connection (see figure 5 & 6):
1 Connect the LFE output of the processor to the LFE input
using a quality RCA or XLR interconnect.
Based on the performance of most proces-
sors, it is recommended that MartinLogan
center and effects type speakers not be run
in large, wide, or full range mode. Doing
so may potentially damage the speaker if
the processor attempts to drive the speaker
beyond its rated frequency range. This
warning also applies to products from other
It is recommended to run center and effects
type speakers in limited or narrow mode.
Some processors have an option to route the LFE
channel to your main and/or surround speakers.
We recommend that you do not use this option.
Recommended Control Settings (see figure 7):
Set the 'Low Pass Filter' to 'Bypass
2 Use the bass management section of your processor‘s
speaker level setup option to set the subwoofer level at an
appropriate level. Follow the instructions in your processor
manual to fine-tune the subwoofer level.
3 If your processor offers the option to setup crossovers for a
subwoofer, we recommend that you start with the following
settings—Crossover: 70Hz, High-Pass: 12dB, and Low-
Pass: 24dB. The optimal setting for these options may vary
depending on your room and listening preferences.
4 Adjust the phase control until ideal blending is obtained. If
you hear no discernible difference leave the phase at 0°.
5 Follow the instructions in your processor manual to fine-
tune the subwoofer level
Figure 5. RCA signal connection for multi-channel mode.
Figure 7. Control settings for multi-channel mode.
Figure 6. XLR signal connection for multi-channel mode.