
Frequently Asked Questions 17
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems with
my electrostatic speakers?
Exposure to excessive contaminants such as smoke
or dust may potentially affect the performance of the
electrostatic membrane, and may cause discoloration
of the diaphragm membrane. When not in use for
extended periods, you should unplug the speakers and
cover them with the plastic bags in which the speak-
ers were originally packed. It is a good idea to vacuum
the electrostatic portion of each speaker three or four
times a year. See the vacuuming FAQ.
A problem has recently developed with my MartinLogan
speakers. The right speaker seems to be hissing even
when the amplifier and such are not connected. I was
wondering if this sounds like any problem you have
encountered previously and have a simple solution for
or might it be something which will need to be looked
into more carefully.
Your speakers are dusty. See the vacuuming FAQ.
The electrostatic charge on the element has attracted
airborne dust or pollen. Since 1993, all of our speakers
have been built with a charging circuit board that only
charges the electrostatic element when music plays.
At other times they are not charged and cannot collect
dust. You can get the same benefit by simply unplug-
ging them whenever they are not in use. A power strip is
an easy way to do that.
Could my children, pets, or myself be shocked by the
high-voltage present in the electrostatic panel?
As a matter of fact, the voltage in our speakers is 10
times less than the static electricity that builds up on the
surface of your television screen.
How do MartinLogan speakers hold up over a long term
in the humidity of tropical climates?
We should tell you that MartinLogan indeed has a very
substantial number of customers in tropical regions of
the world. Our speakers have been serving them nicely
for many years. This concern may have come from our
earlier design of speakers, which were charged con-
tinuously. Since 1993, all of our speakers have been
designed so that they only charge the panel while music
is being played. This improvement has made a tre-
mendous difference in the consistent performance of
our product. There may be a little more maintenance
involved in humid regions when not in an air condi-
tioned environment. Simply enough, the concern is to
combine with any dust on the panel to make it slightly
conductive. This will result in a slight pathway for the
charge to leave the membrane of the speakers. The
solution is simple. They only require occasional vacu-
uming with a strong vacuum hose.
How do I vacuum my MartinLogan speakers?
Vacuuming will be most effective if the speakers have
been unplugged for six hours to twelve hours (or over-
night). You need not worry about the vacuum pressure
damaging the "delicate" membrane. It is extraordi-
narily durable. Dirt and dust may be vacuumed off with
a brush attachment connected to your vacuum cleaner,
or you may blow them off with compressed air. When
vacuuming or blowing off your panels do so to both
front of the panels.
Should I unplug my speakers during a thunderstorm?
Yes, or before. It’s a good idea to disconnect all of your
audio/video components during stormy weather.