
Installation in Brief 5
We know you are eager to hear your new MartinLogan
loudspeaker, so this section is provided to allow fast and
easy set up. Once your new speaker is operational, please
take the time to read, in depth, the rest of the informa-
tion in the enclosed manual. It will give you perspective
on how to attain the greatest possible performance from
this most exacting transducer.
If you should experience any difficulties in the setup or
operation of your MartinLogan speaker, please refer to
the Connections section of the user’s manual.
Should you encounter a persistent problem that cannot
be resolved, please contact your authorized MartinLogan
dealer. They will provide you with the appropriate techni-
cal analysis to alleviate the situation.
• Hazardousvoltagesexistinside—donot
remove cover.
• Referservicingtoaqualifiedtechnician.
• Topreventfireorshockhazard,donot
expose this module to moisture.
• Turnamplifieroffandunplugspeakershould
any abnormal conditions occur.
• Turnamplifieroffbeforemakingorbreaking
any signal connections!
• Donotoperateifthereisanyvisualdamage
to the electrostatic panel element.
• Donotdrivespeakerbeyonditsratedpower.
• Thepowercordshouldnotbeinstalled,
removed, or left detached from the speaker
while the other end is connected to an AC
power source.
• Nocandlesorothersourcesofopenflame
should be placed on the speaker.
• Noliquidseitheringlassesorvasesshouldbe
placed on speaker.
• Speakershouldnotbeexposedtodrippingor
splashing liquids.
• Theterminalsmarkedwiththelightningbolt
symbol should be connected by an instructed
person or by way of ready made terminals
• Topreventinjury,thisapparatusmustbe
securely attached to the floor/wall in accor-
dance with the installation instructions.
Step 1: Unpacking
Remove your new MartinLogan speakers from its packing.
Retain the packaging in a safe, dry place for future use.
Step 2: Placement
Place the speaker at the desired location. Please see the
Installation section (pages 9–10) for more details.
Step 3: Power Connection (AC) (see warning)
MartinLogan speakers require power to energize their
electrostatic panels. Using the power cords provided,
plug first to the power in receptacle on the rear panel
of the speaker, making sure that you have made a firm
connection, and then to the wall outlet. Please see the
Connections section (page 7) for more details.
Step 4: Signal Connection
available from your specialty dealer, is recommended and
will give you superior performance. Spade connectors are
suggested for optimum contact and ease of installation.
Attach your speaker cables to the Signal Input section on
the rear panel. Be consistent when connecting speaker
leads to the terminals on the back of the speaker: take
great care to assign the same color to the (+) terminal on
the speaker and the amplifier. Please see the Connections
section (pages 7) for more details.
Step 5: Listen and Enjoy
InstallatIon In BrIef