
Marvel Protects Your
Wine Collection
Better Than the Rest,
2x More Efciently
The Ideal Environment
Just like any living thing, environmental conditions
play a critical role in wine development and maturation
process, and Marvel Wine Refrigerators are
engineered to provide the optimal environment for
your special vintages.
Defends Against Light Damage
Light can affect the tannins in the wine, degrading the
color and nose of your wine. The dual-pane, tinted,
UV-resistant glass door on a Marvel Wine Refrigerator
protects wine from light while artfully showcasing
your bottles.
Neutralizes Vibrations
Wine does not like to be disturbed, as movement
disrupts the sediment and unnaturally accelerates
the aging process. Marvel Wine Refrigerators have
a triple-layer Vibration Neutralization System (VNS)
to protect your wine from damaging movement and
heavy-gauge wire wine racks to safely cradle each
wine bottle.
Here’s the Science
Wine is a fragile and complex composition, and
any physical and chemical changes in environment,
particularly temperature, can greatly impact the
delicate balance of ongoing chemical reactions that
occur as oxygen enters the cork. And, the rate of the
average chemical reaction increases with temperature.
For example, a vintage wine that would normally
require 10 years of careful aging may quickly become
past its prime in months when stored too warm.
Marvel Wine Refrigerators ensure precise and
accurate temperature stability, allowing your collection
to gracefully come to full maturation, an attribute
others can’t deliver.
Access Wine Preservation
Guides on the Marvel Blog
Visit for proper wine
storage techniques, serving temperature charts by
wine type and other tips.
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