User's Manual

Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
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10 1 1 // Set Path A
30 1 // Set to 5 GHz Band
112 0 // Set to 20 MHz BW
22 0 36 8 2 // Set to CH 36 at 8 dBm Output Power with OFDM Data Rate on Path A
25 1 22 // Tx at MCS 7
25 // Stop Tx
17 1 22 // Cont. Tx at MCS7
17 // Stop Cont. Tx
5.4 Test RX sensitivity Commands
a. Rx on CH 157 in 20 MHz BW Mode on both Path A
25 // Stop Tx
10 1 1 // Set to Path A
30 1 // Set to 5 GHz Band
112 0 // Set to 20 MHz BW
12 100 // Set to CH 100
31 // Clear all the received packets
32 // Get Rx Packet Count and then clear the Rx packet counter
5.5 Others Commands
(1) Command 45 Check the MAC
(2) Command 99 Quit the test mode/ Quit the MFG tool
5.6 BT test mode Commands
This is how we test our BT: let BT enter test mode, then connect to tester for testing.
(1) Command 45Check BT MAC.
(2) Command 78 1BT enter test mode.
After you type above command, you can measure BT signal both TX/RX and the other BT test items by your
BT instrument.