User's Manual

Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
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On the given Host Linux system, the following files have to be transferred & reside on the system.
(Transfer the files over via flash memory or tftp over the host.)
Place the firmware in /lib/firmware/mrvl/
Ex. pcieuart8997_combo_v2.bin (for PCIE/USB interface)
The user may need to compile the driver per your specific Linux OS and Kernel. This is due to that the driver
is dependent on the actual OS and kernel version. This next section will describe the steps needed to be
done before you can install the driver and run it.
Go to the subdirectory wlan_src
*Make sure to have kernel headers and kernel libs before executing the “make” commands below.
make clean
make build
Go up one folder to copy both *.ko files to your directory in where you have the other files in where you want to
run the insmod command.
Here is the sample list of files (as a minimum) at 1 location: