User's Manual

Table Of Contents 137 Masimo
Appendix: Best Practices for
Comparisons to Reference
Best Practices Checklist for Continuous SpHb Comparisons
1. Ensure SpHb device is turned on. If applicable, connect to computer with
automatic data capture.
2. Sensor site selection:
Remove anything from patient's arm that can impede blood flow to the
sensor site, such as restrictive garments, accessories, purses, backpacks,
watches, jewelry, and blood pressure cuff.
Do not use sites with any of the following conditions:
An anatomically abnormal finger (e.g. damaged, clubbed, deviated,
A finger or arm that has experienced previous surgical procedures.
A finger or arm that is currently receiving an IV infusion.
A finger or arm that is currently used for blood pressure cuff.
Site should be cleaned of debris and dry prior to testing.
Nail polish should be removed prior to testing.
Select the patient’s testing finger in the following priority.
Non-dominant ring or middle finger.
Dominant ring or middle finger.
3. Sensor selection:
For reusable sensors, measure the patient's finger size (diameter) at the
cuticle, using the sensor size gauge, to determine the correct sensor size.
When using ReSposable sensors, connect the reusable optical sensor
(ROS) to the disposable optical sensor (DOS) after DOS properly placed onto
4. Ensure proper sensor positioning:
Rest patient’s hand and arm with sensor on a horizontal surface securely
to limit the movement of the patient.
Examine the finger while placed in the sensors to ensure the emitter and
detector are directly aligned on top of each other and there is no gap
between the sensor and fingertip.