User's Manual

Rad-87 Pulse CO-Oximeter Operator’s Manual
Alarms and Messages
The Rad-87 offers the ability to monitor multiple 'channels' on a patient. The Rad-87 has an
optical based channel and an acoustic based channel. The optical based channel provides
, pulse rate, SpCO, SpMet, SpHb, SpOC, PI and PVI. The acoustic based channel provides
respiration rate (RRa). When both the optical and acoustic channels are monitoring the patient
together, the optical channel is considered 'primary' and the acoustic 'secondary'.
monitoring is required when monitoring RRa (Acoustic Respiration).
NOTE: When both the optical and acoustic channels are present and the RRa Sensor Status
Notifications are set to 'Off', the RRa Sensor Status Notifications do NOT activate an
audible tone. Refer to the Alarm Category Table earlier in this section for the RRa
Sensor Status Notifications.
Multiple Parameter/Measurement Alarms
When multiple parameters/measurements alarm, the screen with the highest alarm priority (and
with a parameter/measurement in alarm status) will show on the display. Refer to the table Alarm
Priority for Display Screens located below.
Additional parameters/measurements in alarm status (competing alarms) that are not contained
on the active screen will show as flashing parameter/measurement labels (names). The
parameters/measurements with competing alarms can be viewed by pressing the Display Button
to scroll through the screens. When an alarm is resolved, the parameter/measurement label
stops flashing. When all parameters/measurements in alarm status on a display screen are
resolved, the screen changes to show the next priority screen with active alarms.
Alarm Priority for Display Screens
1 Screen 1 %SpO
, BPM, RRa
2 Screen 2 PI, SpHb, %SpOC
3 Screen 3 %SpMet, %SpCO, PVI
The display screens are assigned alarm priority according to the table above. Screen 1 has
first priority and displays if it contains a parameter/measurement in alarm status with other
competing parameter/measurement alarms. When Screen 2 contains the competing parameter/
measurement alarms, Screen 2 will take priority and show on the display. Screen 3 has the
lowest priority.
Alarm Silence