User's Manual

Light and Sound Eects
How to adjust the microphones echo eects
The Echo Control (3) adjusts the microphones reverberation eect.
Press the + half of the button to increase how much your voice
echoes. Press the - half of the button to decrease the eect.
Note that the echo eect only works on sound from the micro-
phone. It will not aect the music being played.
How to use the microphones ‘crowd’ sound eects
The H11 comes with 3 pre-programmed sound eects. Each
sound eect can be activated by *holding* (as opposed to
pressing) one of the music playback buttons.
To create the sound of a laughing crowd, *hold* down the Play
button (10).
To create the sound of a booing crowd, *hold* down the Next
button (11).
For an applause sound eect, *hold* down the Back button (12).
How to use ‘Magic Mode’ voice eects
The H11 comes with 4 pre-programmed voice eects: ‘Male,’
‘Loli,’ ‘Monster,’ and ‘Female.’
The microphone will start up without any voice eect activated.
To activate the ‘Magic Mode’ *hold* the Mode button (8) for two
seconds. Then simply *click* the mode button to cycle through
each eect until you reach the desired option.
To return the microphone to ‘karaoke mode,’ (i.e. normal voice)
*hold* the mode button again for two seconds until the ma-
chine says “karaoke mode.”
How to cycle through the pre-programmed LED displays
The H11 comes with 10 preset LED displays. To activate, *hold* the
LED button (9) for 3 seconds. *Click* the button to cycle through
each possible display until you reach your desired display.
To make use of the LED board’s full functionality, please see the
“Using the ‘
’ app” section below.
[Detailed Usage Guide]