Instructions / Assembly

5-7 lbs Ham Shank or Butt (Fully cooked, bone in)
1 ½ cup Maple syrup
1 tsp Ginger
¼ tsp Nutmeg
½ tsp Allspice
16 whole Cloves
1 can Pineapple slices (canned)
1 jar Maraschino Cherries
Hickory or Mesquite Chips
Remove thick skin and trim fat leaving no more than ½” thick
covering on ham. Score ham. Combine syrup, ginger, nutmeg,
and allspice in a small bowl. Place ham in large dish and baste
with syrup mixture. Let ham stand in syrup mixture for 1 or 2
hours basting frequently until at room temperature.
When ready to smoke remove ham from dish and stud with
cloves. Place ham in preheated 225°F (107°C) smoker. Cook for
about 2-3 hours. Baste with syrup mixture at least 2 times during
cooking time. Before last hour of smoking decorate ham with
canned pineapple and cherries and baste. Internal temperature
of ham should be at 130°F-140°F (54°C-60°C) when heated.
2-4 lbs Pork or Baby Back Ribs
½ tbsp Salt
¼ cup Brown sugar
2 ½ tbsp Chili powder
1 ½ tbsp Ground cumin
2 tsp Cayenne pepper
2 tsp Black pepper (freshly ground)
2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 tsp Onion Powder
Hickory Chips
Mix ingredients and rub mixture on meat for 2 hours before
cooking. Allow meat to reach room temperature.
Cook ribs for 3 hours at 225°F (107°C) in preheated smoker
using hickory chips during the rst 2 hours.
After 3 hours remove the ribs and wrap in heavy foil.
Cook for an additional 1- 1 ½ hours.
• Use 20LB (9kgs) gas cylinder that has protective collar (cylinder not included with unit).
• Installation of unit must conform with local codes or in the absence of local codes, with National
Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1/NFPA 54, Storage and Handling of Lique ed Petroleum Gasses,
ANSI/NFPA 58 or CSA B149.1, Natural Gas Installation Code; Propane Storage and Handling, CSA
B149.2; or the Standard for Recreational Vehicles, ANSI A119.2/NFPA 1192; and Recreational
Vehicle Code, CSA Z240 RV Series as applicable.
• LP gas cylinder being used must be constructed and marked in accordance with speci cations
for LP gas cylinders of the US Department of Transportation (DOT) or the Standard for Cylinders,
Spheres and Tubes for the Transportation for Dangerous Goods, CAN/CSA-B339.
Always perform soapy water test (see “Soapy Water Test Instructions” in this manual)
EVERY TIME you use unit.
• Before each use check all nuts, screws and bolts to make sure they are tight and secure.
• Before each use inspect gas hose for signs of damage.
Always disconnect gas cylinder from unit when not in use.
• Never attach/disconnect gas cylinder, move or alter gas ttings when unit is in operation.
• Never use gas cylinder if there is evidence of dents, gouges, bulges, re damage, erosion,
leakage, excessive rust, or other forms of visible external damage. This may be hazardous and
cylinder should be taken to a liquid propane supplier to be checked.
• Regulator and hose assembly supplied with unit MUST be used. For replacement parts, if
needed, contact Masterbuilt Customer Service at 1-800-489-1581.
• When lighting burner remove all smoker parts to prevent explosion from gas build up.
• If ignition does not take place within ve seconds using ignitor button, turn gas control valve to
off position and wait ve minutes and repeat lighting procedures.
• Keep fuel supply hose away from unit while in operation.
• Keep fuel supply hose away from any heated surface.
• Do NOT obstruct ow of combustion and ventilation. Keep ventilation openings of cylinder
enclosure free and clear of debris.
• When use is complete, always turn regulator control valve OFF rst, then gas cylinder valve OFF.
• Gas MUST be turned off at the supply cylinder when not in use.
• Do NOT store spare LP gas cylinder under or near unit. Gas cylinder safety relief valve may
overheat allowing gas to release causing re which may cause death or serious injury.
• Never ll cylinder over 80% full or cylinder may release gas causing re which may cause death
or serious injury.
• If you smell, hear or see gas escaping, immediately get away from gas cylinder and call the Fire
Department. Fire may cause death or serious injury.
• Place a dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever cylinder is not in use. Only install dust cap
provided with cylinder. Other caps or plugs may cause leaks.
• Cylinder MUST be stored outdoors, out of children’s reach and must NOT be stored in a building,
garage, or any other enclosed area.
• This appliance is not for frying turkeys.