User Manual

Page 5
5. Install batteries. Note polarity on circuit board under batteries.
6. The current channel will be displayed on the LED indicators on the
front of the TriggerPad. The TP 105 will display the channel num-
ber on the 2 digit LED display. The TP 100 will display the channel
using the button LEDs as shown below.
7. Remove the channel setting link and replace the cover. The Trig-
gerPad is now ready for operation.
Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7
5. To change the
channel on a TP
100, press and re-
lease the top but-
ton and cycle
through channels
until the desired
channel is dis-
played. For the TP
105, press the left
arrow button to
change channels.
TP 105TP 100
Press to