User guide

Using Matrox M.Key/100 with VFW programs
$ 720×486 or 720 × 576 if you are rendering to NTSC, 486p, or 576p format
using the Uncompressed SD or M-JPEG codec.
$ 1920×1080 or 1280×720 if you are rendering to 1080i/p or 720p format
using the Uncompressed HD or DVCPRO HD codec.
$ 1440×1080, 1920×1080, or 1280×720 if you are rendering to
1440×1080i/p, 1080i/p, or 720p format using the MPEG-2 I-frame HD
$ 480×270 or 320×180 if you are rendering to offline HD format. If you’re
rendering clips for use in an Adobe Premiere Pro project on Matrox Axio,
set the frame size to 480×270 for a 1440×1080i/p or 1080i/p project, or
320×180 for a 720p project. For more information, see “Using the Matrox
Offline HD Codec” in your Matrox Axio Installation and User Guide.
To render video using the same compression format, frame size, and frame
rate as your source video but using a different video quality (data rate),
scanning mode (interlaced or progressive), or bit depth (8-bit or 10-bit), such
as to export uncompressed 1080i @ 25 fps clips to uncompressed 1080p
@ 25 fps format, you must select the
Recompress Always option so that
your video will be recompressed during the export.
If you’ll be rendering audio, set the audio sample rate to 48 kHz and the
sample size to 16-bit (mono or stereo).
For best results, make sure you clear your program’s
Data rate limit option
for rendered material. This ensures that your .avi files will be rendered at the
particular video quality you select.
If you’re using Adobe Premiere Pro, set the
Fields for rendering to Lower
Field First
for NTSC video, Upper Field First for PAL and interlaced HD
video, or
No Fields (Progressive Scan) for progressive video.
¦NoteBefore rendering a lot of material, check that your rendered animations
and transitions such as wipes and slides play back smoothly. If they appear
jumpy, try adjusting the field dominance or field order for your rendered material.
For example, if your transitions appear jumpy with the field dominance set to
Odd field or Field 1, try switching the setting to Even field or Field 2.
Selecting color space conversion options
When you render material to an .avi file using a Matrox VFW codec, you can
determine how you want the luminance levels and chroma information to be
processed during the color space conversion that’s performed during the render.
¦NoteThe default settings for color space conversion provide good results for
most applications. We recommend that you change these settings only when
needed for special purposes.