User Manual

8. Before the game will begin, the fan nozzle must be positioned underneath the calibration point – this is the “ready” position
for the fan. If it is not there, the console will direct you to “Rotate fan to calibration point.” Move the fan nozzle under the
calibration point and leave it there. The unit will buzz to confirm that you are in position.
9. The console will say, “Begin.”
10. One of the lights on the surface of the console will light up. As quickly as you can, maneuver the ball to that light to “tag” it.
11. Once tagged, the light will go out and another will light up. Choose the quickest route to tag the next light.
Remember: You can travel in both directions when playing Chase the Lights.
12. If the ball falls out of the airflow, place it back into play at the point where it fell off.
13. Continue tagging lights until time runs out and the console announces your score.
14. If you selected a multi-player game, the console will direct the next player to put on the headset. Once the next player is
wearing the headset, press SELECT and the console will say, “Begin.”
15. At the end of a multi-player game, the console will declare a winner based on the total number
of lights each player tagged in the shortest amount of time.